Friday, February 27, 2015

Week ending 2/27/15

Is February over already?  I can't believe how quickly it's gone by!  We've had quite a few snow days this past month and it's been great to be in school for a full week, especially after vacation.

Here's a few reminders:

  • Don't forget to send appropriate clothing in to go outside for recess.
  • Don't forget to send in sneakers on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for physical education.
  • Be sure your child is practicing their math facts on a regular, if not daily basis.  There are lots of computer games you can search for, flash cards, paper and pencil, etc.  Everyday Math, our math program, even has apps to practice with.  Find one way that works well for your child. 
  • If you do not have a current CORI on file, please check with Ms. Sheehan.  I have checked with her about many parents and only a handful of parents in our class have a current CORI on file.  Please check with her about how to attain a current CORI.  Thank you. You can not be considered for a field trip, to work in the library, or help with an activity in the classroom without a CORI.  
3, 2, 1 things that have been happening this week…
3 skills we've worked on are understanding how a character's actions tell us about their feelings while reading Something About Hensley's in reading workshop and practiced solving ages problems in multiple ways, explaining how we solved the problems, and why the strategy worked.  We also learned about how why the Earth and moon are important to our solar system.  

2 very important pieces of information for you are:
  • The field trip forms went home yesterday.  There are 3 sheets: The first explains the field trips and the cost.  The second is the form for the Chinese Cultural Center and the third is the form for the Museum of Science.  Both of those forms must be filled out completely, along with cash for $45 which covers both trips (admission and busing).  Forms are due back to me by Thursday, March 5th.  You MUST have a CORI or have filled on out (and hope it returns on time) in order to be considered for field trips.  After that, I will put the names of those who offered to chaperone in a hat and we will pick the chaperones that way.  
  • Conference sign up is now live and you can sign up following the link below.  Conferences are for you AND your child so please find a time that works for both of you.  Looking forward to it!

1 thing Ceasar wants you to know about science this week is when the Earth moves, the moon moves with it and orbits it while moving.  

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of 2/2/15

What a crazy two weeks it's been!  I know all the students love the snow and being home but I also know we all love summer!  Hopefully, not too many more days are used and we can continue with the learning we're going without many more interruptions!

This blog is short this week with just a few updates…

  • Secret Pal is due next Wednesday.  Please be sure to have you child bring it in by then, if not before, and I will collect them.  
  • Right now our 100th day of school is next Thursday, the 12th.  There will be a notice going home  next week about dressing as if you're 100 years old and finding 100 small objects…start thinking about it this weekend and more info will be sent home next week.
  • We will be doing valentines in our room on the 13th, next Friday.  There is a notice going home today as well as a class list.  Be be sure that if you are sending in valentines that every student will receive one (we have 18) and that there is no food.  If valentines are brought in with food, I'll have to send them back home.  If you choose to send in something...little erasers, pencils, temporary tattoos are always big hits, but you definitely do not have to send in anything.   Home made valentines are just perfect!  
  • School vacation is the week of the 16th.  
  • Please be sure to send your child in with everything they need to go out if they are planning on it.  
We finished up our unit on Mexico and we wanted to share our final project.  
We made a book…called Mexico ABC Book.  We used a program called VoiceThread to record our voices to match the pictures.  We hope you enjoy it!

Have a great weekend!