Important information:
- If you're looking for books for your child, here's a great way to shop for your child and support our classroom. Check out Scholastic: Scholastic Books
- Sign ups for conferences went out earlier this week. This is a time for you and your child to meet with me to discuss successes so far and what we're still working on. Please sign up at the link below if you have not done so. Thank you
- Conference Sign Up
3, 2, 1 things happening this week...
3 inferencing activities we've worked on this week are using different poems to infer "What Am I?". We read and worked on poems about mailmen, policemen, bakers, teachers, and much more!
2 skills we worked on in math were determining how old Carlos will be when he is his family member's age and how long ago each person was Carlos' age. The math thinking and discussion of how they solved the problems has been very interesting and thought out.
1 activity we worked on Friday was recognizing when we are kind to others and when others are kind to us.
Have a great vacation!