We've had a great busy week! We've been wrapping up our math and butterfly units and delving into our writing workshop unit.
Important information:
- If you have any tissues, cleaning wipes, or paper towels...we would love them!
- Please begin sending your child in with 2 paper bags. 1 will be for artwork after the art show and 1 will be for our work at the end of the year.
- Color day is June 5th and our Museum of Children's field trip is on June 7th. More info coming soon.
- Save the date! Friday, June 8th, 8:30 we will be having an end of year writing celebration. We hope you can join us!
3, 2, 1 things happening in room 250!
3 science activities we completed this week were identifying the parts of a butterfly, comparing a moth and a butterfly, and identifying and drawing the stages of the plant life cycle and butterfly life cycle. Today we let the butterflies go and the students' loved it!
* Ask your child to name 4 parts of the butterfly.

2 writing strategies for poems we worked on were writing poems with line breaks to make our poetry more interesting to the reader and writing poems based on wonderings or questions we had.
* Ask your child what they have been writing about in poetry.
1 fabulous activity we had this week was a visit from Mr. Joe and Ms. Vida from Ghana. They are wonderful, engaging, and share so much knowledge with the students!
* Ask your child their favorite part!
** Be sure to check your email for some pics from their visit!