Important information:
- April vacation is the week of April 14th. If you will be leaving before then or returning after break is over, please let us know.
- If you have extra any boxes of tissues around, we'd love to have them! Allergies have hit the room already!
3, 2, 1, things happening in room 250...
3 math games we played this week were Close to 100, Plus and Minus 10 and 100, and Guess My Number. All of these help us focus and practice place value skills and adding and subtracting within 1,000. Ask your child which game they liked the most, why, and who they played with.
2 read aloud we worked on today was Who Am I? poems and Things by Eloise Greenfield. All of the poems this week, we focused on making inferences on what's happening in the poem using the context clues and our own scheme (or background knowledge).
1 art in reading activity we completed this morning was writing Who Am I? poems, sharing with a partner for them to infer what the animal or occupation is, and then adding their drawing with pencils, markers, and oil pastels. Ask your child to read to their poem to you so you can guess too!
Here's some examples of our art this morning as well as a few of us planting seeds, getting ready for our Fast Plants to grow.