Friday, May 24, 2019

Week ending 5/24/05

We have 16 days after today!  Can you believe how quickly the year has gone!

Important information:

  • Our field trip to the Children's Museum next Thursday, May 30th. 
  • We hope to see you on Friday, June 7th, for our Integrating the Arts morning and end of year celebration.  
  • Be sure to check your child's folder/backpack for an invitation and information regarding our field trip.

3, 2, 1 things you should know about our week...

3 science investigations we worked on were identifying differences and similarities between butterflies and moths, recording detailed observations of our butterflies that came out Monday morning, an identifying and drawing the life cycle of a butterfly.  
Here's some pics of our butterflies before we let them go:

2 literacy activities we worked on were writing our very own trickster tale and completing our opinion piece on why 2nd grade is awesome.  For our trickster tale, we brainstormed with a partner and planned our writing, then we completed the tale writing part on our own.

1 team building activity we did on Friday was playing Kahoot!  Not only is it a good review of what we've worked on this week, it's a great opportunity to practice good sportsmanship, respect, patience, and flexibility.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Week Ending 5/10/19

We've had a wonderful weather week overall and have enjoyed quite a bit of recess!  I hope you and your family are able to enjoy some of these beautiful days.

Important information: 
  • Our Children's Museum field trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 30th.  More specific information about lunch, etc. will be coming.
  • Be sure to save the date for June 7th for our Integrating the Arts and end of year celebration morning!
3, 2, 1, things you should know this week...

3 math skills we've worked on were measuring in inches and centimeters, meters and yardsticks, and discussing why there are higher numbers when measuring in centimeters than measuring in inches. We also worked on how to measure something that is longer than the ruler size.  

2 literacy activities we've worked on were writing our own pourqoui stories to explain why something has happened.  Students wrote stories about why elephants have long trunks, why tigers have stripes, and _____________

1 social studies activity we did was reading some books about Ghana to get us ready for our visit from Mr. Joe and Ms. Vida from Ghana.  We look forward to seeing them on Monday!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Week Ending 5/3/19

I can't believe it's May already!  We've got just 31 days of school left!  We have a lot to do between now and then and I can't wait to see how all their hard work comes together to end the year.

Important information:

  • CAP forms went home this past week so please sign the permission slip and return to school if you haven't already.
  • Be sure you've saved the date for Friday, June 7th.  We'll be having our Art Integration and End of Year morning.  
3 measuring activities we worked on this week were...measuring with yard sticks, inches, and centimeters.  We've been working on measuring the same items, (yarn that represents how far each student jumped) but with different measuring tools.  We've been talking a lot about good strategies for measuring.  *Ask your child 2 efficient ways to measures.

2 pourqoui read aloud we listened to were Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears and How Zebras Got Their Stripes.  We used them to focus on the elements of a pourquoi talking about how the stories not only teach us a lesson but also these stories tell us why something is the way it is.  *Ask your child why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears.

1 writing activity we've been working on is writing why 2nd grade is awesome!  The students have brainstormed ideas, we gathered all the ideas, then in their groups they chose their top ideas.  We've been working to write a whole class opinion piece on this topic.  We're working slowly and really paying attention to stating our opinion, giving our three reasons, and then adding details directly related to our reasons.  When we have a finished piece, we'll be sure to share with you all.  *Ask your child one reason 2nd grade is awesome.