Important information:
- Monday, there is no school.
- Next Thursday is Peek Week in PE. We have PE on Thursday at 1:10.
3, 2, 1 things you should know about our week...
3 read aloud books we heard this week were How Turtles Got Their Shell and Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears (both pourquoi tales about why the world is how it is), and we finished up fables with The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Next week, we'll finish up pourquoi tales and move into trickster tales.
* Ask your child why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears.
2 math activities we worked on this week were playing Guess My Number up to 500 and Plus or Minus 10/5 in a Row. Guess My Number is a good challenge to play when they have to pay attention to not only guessing the correct number but also keep track of all the clues their partner is giving them with the < > signs. Plus or Minus 10/ 5 in a Row helps students focus on adding or subtracting 10 efficiently and strategically placing their chips to get 5 in a row. There's ALOT of organizational thinking and mathematical problem solving going on! We'll be finishing up this unit on tens and hundreds and start exploring data next week.
1 Team Time activity we worked on was creating snowmen with just 3 marshmallows and 4 toothpicks. The task was to create the highest marshmallow they could with only those materials. It was so interesting to see their ideas come to life!
Check out the pictures below to see our results!