Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekly Update 2/14/14

It's vacation!  Are you as excited and me and the kids?  I hope so!
*We celebrated 100 days of school on Wednesday…we made 100 shaped eye glasses, counted to 100, wrote 100 things, timed ourselves to see what we could do in 100 seconds, read and illustrated a 100 day poem, and shared our bags with 100 items.  It was so interesting to see what the class came up with!  They loved guessing each other's bags!
*We also celebrated friendship week and Valentine's day.  I hope you liked our canvas art work!  Thanks to the parents that helped and those that donated items to help us complete this project.  We read books about friendship and Valentine's Day as well as thought about people in our lives who we love and care about.
*Conferences will be the 2nd week of March. The first day back from vacation, the 24th, I will post the Sign Up genius for conferences.  They will be held the 11, 12, and 13th.
This has been a busy week…we've been working on finishing up our Mexico alphabet book, we completed writing our own fables, and we worked on writing our letters to someone about our opinion about books.  We also have been practicing addition and subtraction strategies, estimating to the closest number, practiced some challenge work, and thought about ways to get to 100.  In literacy, we've been reviewing the r-controlled syllable, have continued working on pourquois (focusing on the characters and the problem), and read Time For Kids on the presidents.
I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation!

**Our fables are below…the students worked in groups to decide what the lesson would be, who the characters were, where the setting was, what the problem might be, and how it ended.  The groups wrote a rough draft, then typed their fables, and finally, added their illustrations.

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