Hello families!
Can you believe the first week of school is over already! It's gone by so fast!
Important information:
* Thank you for your help at dismissal. I've been giving the kids a high five before they can leave so they have to tell me that you are there. Doing that helps me learn your faces and assures the children are leaving with an adult.
* If there are any changes at all to dismissal, please send in a note and have your child place it in the red box, "Notes for Ms. DeKing". Emails can work as well if you know in advance, but sometimes the day of can be hard if I can't check the email or there is a connection issue. Thank you for your help with this.
* Open House is Tuesday, September 16th. The schedule is: 6-6:30 PTO open house for families in gym, 6:30-6:55 Principal, Assistant Principal, and PTO welcome, 7:05-7:35 meet with K-2 in classrooms (3-5 families meet in library with special area teachers), and 7:40-8:10 3-5 classrooms (K-2 meet in library with special area teachers). I hope you can join us!
* Thursday, September 25, there is no school.
What's happening in room 250?
I think we are off to a great start! We've been learning each other's names, the classroom routines, the schedule, getting morning work and morning meeting underway, and meeting new staff and friends. It can take a few weeks for the routines to be solid in place and for things to run smoothly and faster. Right now, as we learn new expectations, where items are in the classroom, how to use different materials, and adjust to a new year...things can take awhile to get done. Once the routines and expectations are in place, things just fall into place and we all know what to expect and we accomplish ALOT!
This week, we started talking about coins and the calendar. We wrote about our week in 2nd grade, listened to many read alouds, worked on portraits, and wrote our hopes and dreams. Next week, we'll begin Fundations (phonics review), review clocks in math, and write our classroom rules. We write our rules based on our hopes and dreams for the school year. In order to meet our hopes for the year, which rules are most important for us to have? We work together to create rules that are appropriate and easy to understand.
During the month of September, we will be reviewing math topics learned in first grade, assessing reading to be sure they are in a guided reading group that is appropriate for their strengths and needs, and assessing their writing skills. The assessing now, will help me understand where the students are in their learning and guide my instruction.
Thank you for helping your children feel positive and excited about school! I can see their excitement and it's wonderful!
If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know!
Mrs. DeKing