Friday, September 19, 2014

Week ending 9/19/14

Hi Families,
I hope you've been able to get out and enjoy the fall weather!  It's beautiful!  I'm glad many of you could come in for Open House.  I hope you found the evening informational and helpful.

A few things to remember:
* All the Open House items that would have been passed out are now on my website under "Open House".  Please take a look when you can.
* Thursday, there is no school.  Enjoy the day with your families.
* A reminder about dismissal…please send a note in the morning or tell me the day before if your child will have a change in how they go home.  It's really important, for all the students' safety, that I know where they are going after school.  Sometimes a parent will want to take a friend, yet there's been a miscommunication, and the parent shows up to get the child.  It can make everyone worried until it's worked out.  We don't want that to happen.  Any child going home with someone different (unless you've told me otherwise), will need a note or I'll be calling you.  Thank you so much for your help with this.
* Picture day is October 1st so be sure to sign up online or send in the form.  Thanks!
* I've been having a glitch somewhere on my blog so it's not posting correctly.  The most current one may post but then one from January as well.  I'm working with the IT person to fix this!

I'm going to try something different with my blog posts…it's a 3, 2, 1 format.  Hope you like it!

3 skills we worked on this week: We worked on reading a thermometer and telling the temperature.  We practiced making connections to the read aloud story, Sheila Rae the Brave by Kevin Henkes.  We started working on our small moments narrative writing and we're focusing on telling the story across 5 fingers to be sure we have enough but also talking about the details that are really important.

2 questions to ask you child: What are some words you can use to describe (any object you choose) if you were observing it?  What is our morning meeting greeting we've been doing lately?  (Hint: What's the news?)

1 thing to try at home this week: The penny plate game we learned in math is a great way to work on addition skills!  Hide 10-15 pennies (be sure to tell your child how many) under the plate.  Have your child turn around and then put some pennies on top of the plate.  Now, ask your child to say how many are on the plate and how many are hiding.  Now your child hides pennies for you.  It's a great activity for addition and subtraction skills and number sense.

Enjoy the weekend!

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