Friday, October 17, 2014

Week ending 10/17

We're halfway through the month of October and the weather is not feeling very Fall like!  One day is warm and the next is chilly and rainy!  Hopefully the rest of October  will show us the cooler weather and we'll be able to enjoy pumpkins, sweaters, and hot chocolate soon!

Important information:

  • If you haven't signed up for conferences yet, please do so.  

Here is the link as well:
  • Please keep in mind that if the weather begins to get colder…please send in sweatshirts, jackets, etc. as we try to make it out for snack recess and they go out for lunch recess.
  • Homework has started and has been going very well!  They have all turned in their homework and it looks great!  Please keep in mind that if your child has trouble with the homework, you can help them, but please add a note at the top or circle where they had difficulty so I know to go over those skills with them.  
3, 2, 1…things we want to share with you:
3 skills we've worked on this week: In reading, we worked on comparing texts (Amazing Grace and William's Doll) to understand the text and characters better.  In writing, we worked on self-assessing ourselves using the checklist to see what our story needs more of and how to make it more interesting to the reader.  In math, we've been working on understanding, reading, and writing place value focusing on tens and ones to start. 
2 read aloud books shared this week were One Green Apple to discuss text to world connections and Weekend with Wendell to discuss making meaningful connections.  Meaningful connections are those that help us make predictions, understand how the character feels, or helps us understand why the character did the actions they did.  
1 thing we want you to know is: Math was fun because we like to solve problems. (Daniel H.)

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