Friday, March 20, 2015

Week ending 3/20/15

Today is the first day of Spring!  I'm so excited!  I look forward to more sunny days and more time outside to play for recess!  I hope you're looking forward to warmer weather and brighter days too.  Thanks so much to everyone who could make it this morning.  The students really enjoyed it and I look forward to using Soundscapes more often in our writing activities.

  • On Monday, the 30th, we are heading to the Chinese Cultural Center.  Your child will need a brown/plastic bag lunch that can be thrown away when done.  They will not be bringing lunch boxes so keep that in mind when send lunch.  Also, we are leaving once we are all ready so please be sure they are on time that day.  Thanks in advance!
  • If you have any tissues or cleaning wipes you'd like to donate, please do! 
  • It was great meeting with you all at conferences the last two weeks.  I always find it beneficial to be touching base with families regarding their child's progress.  There are no more official conferences for the year but of course, if anything comes up, don't hesitate to touch base with me.  
3, 2, 1 important pieces of information you need to know about this week…

3 skills we focused on in reading workshop were: deciding if a question was meaningful or not, writing THICK (more thoughtful and meaningful) questions versus those that are easy to find to the answer, and we began focusing on making inferences.  Today we did "What's in my teacher's bag?"  Students had to decide what each item I pulled out of my bag, inferred about me.  What was the item?  What do you usually do with it or why do people have it?  Then we thought, "What does that say about Ms. DeKing?"  They did really well and inferencing is hard!

2 activities we did out of the ordinary were "flying" to China and getting our passports stamped and Arts Integration Morning.  We all enjoyed both of them!

1 thing Zoe wants you to know is we practiced measuring arm spans using a measuring tape.

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