If your house is like our house, the first week of school can be busy and everyone is going in different directions. We spent last weekend going over the first week of school for my daughter, talking about what went well and what she was looking forward to. I encourage you to spend some time this weekend talking about school and encouraging them to look forward to a great year!
Here's some info you need about our class...
- We'll be focusing this month, and all year of course, on setting routines, expectations, and building independence.
- During morning meeting and closing circle we are learning more and more about each other and are learning to work together as a class.
- We started math and are focusing on identifying all the different ways smaller shapes fit in a larger shape and identifying coins and their value.
- During reading workshop we started recording our reading stamina and reviewing letter sounds.
- Don't forget to let me know if there's any dismissal changes by sending a note in with your child and reminding them to pass it in when they arrive.
- We have snack every day so please send in a healthy snack and please keep nuts at home.
- We have physical education on Monday and Thursday. Be sure your child has sneakers for those days.
- Library is on Mondays.
- We wrote about our week and have put it in our folder so please pull it out and see!
Here's a few pics of our math work yesterday morning:

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