Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekly update 12/18/13

It's vacation!  I know I am excited for some time with my family and friends to celebrate the winter holidays.  I hope you all have special plans as well.  Even though, it's coming up on vacation, it's still business as usual around here.
Few important reminders…
* Friday, the 20th, is pajama day for earning 9 baseballs.  Please be sure your child is dressed warm enough for the weather outside.
* Friday, we will also be having popcorn (no nuts) with a movie.  If your child needs a different snack or gluten free popcorn we have some but you need to let me know (it usually is anyways but not all boxes say it).
* School is out beginning at 3:00 Friday through Wednesday, January 1.  School resumes on a regular schedule on Thursday, January 2 at 8:20.

What's been happening this week?
In literacy, I've started some assessments to see how students have been progressing so far this year.  We've been working on asking questions as we read and understanding why we ask questions when we read.  We also started working on asking questions before, during, and after reading.  This is very important for students to be able to do as it helps build their comprehension, helps us learn new information, and we read because we're curious!  In writing workshop, we've been working on some creative writing, such as what you would like, do, or say as a snowflake.  The answers are great!  We do lots of narrative writing and will start opinion writing after break but creative writing helps build their imaginations!  In Fundations, we've been working on trick words, 2 syllable words, open and closed syllables, and suffixes such as -y (sounding like "e") and -ly.
*Ask your child why we ask questions when we read.
In math, we've been working on geometry.  This week we used polygons to learn different names of shapes, sort them into different categories, and push ourselves with a mid-year test.   When we return from break, we will work on quadrilaterals and later move into the unit called "The Art Show" which involves measuring in many different ways.
* Ask your child what a polygon is.
In social studies, we started Mexico!  On Monday, we took off from Logan, flew over to Mexico, watched an in-flight presentation on Mexico, and landed in Mexico City.  Before we could leave the airport, we had our passports stamped.  The students LOVED it!  We've been learning about where Mexico is located, what a child's life is like there, and what the flag represents.  When we return, we will focus more on the flag and the geography.
* Ask your child if they made it through customs.  :)

Finally, have a wonderful and safe break!
Mrs. DeKing

Friday, December 13, 2013

Weekly Update 12/13/13

I can't believe how quickly December is going!  Oh my!  It has certainly gone quicker than I anticipated!
A few things to keep in mind:
* With the cold weather, especially after the holiday break, please remember to send your child in with boots, snow pants, etc. to stay warm and dry at recess.  Students without the right clothing will not be able to play in the snow.
* December break is Saturday, the 21 through Wednesday, January 1.  We return to school on Thursday, January 2.  
* If your child will not be here next week or after vacation, please let me know so I can plan accordingly.
* Next Thursday is fitness preview in PE class.  Our class will be going 2:00-2:30 on that afternoon. 
* Next Friday, the 20th, will be pajama day in our class.  We earned our last baseball today from Ms. McManus who complimented the class on stopping, looking, and listening, so quickly today when she stopped by to talk about recess!  
* Don't forget…Heritage Bears were due today, Friday.  If your child has not completed it, please complete this weekend so we can began sharing next week.  
* Moon calendar is due next Friday, the 20th.
* Don't forget to check out "What did we learn this week?" on our class webpage.  

What's happening in room 235?
In literacy, I've begun doing some assessments for mid-year.  Students are assessed on reading sight words, decodable words (Fundations words), and reading assessment.  I will continue doing assessments and reading groups till they are completed.  This will help me be sure they are where they are in reading groups, change groups if needed, provide more instruction in particular areas, and prepare for progress reports.  We've also started focusing on questioning when we read.  We've been focusing on creating "I wonder…" statements and "I learned…" statements to help us understand and learn as we read.  
* Ask your child why we wonder or ask questions as we read.  
We also received our pen pal letters back from NY!  Students have completed their responses and now we will decorate bookmarks and I'll mail them off this coming weekend!  Their letter writing skills have improved with just 2 letters!  They are not only "just writing a letter", they are learning letter format, focusing on correct sentence structure and grammar, practicing writing sight words, sounding out decodable words, and learning how to answer a question correctly (not just a yes or a no) and how to ask appropriate questions.  We've also been working on tiny seed stories in writing workshop and reviewing punctuation during morning work.
In math, we took the Unit 4 test and began unit 5.  Unit 5 will focus on geometry.  We started looking at attribute blocks and how they were similar or different.  We also talked about polygons. 
* Ask your child to name 2 out of the 4 attributes of the blocks we were working with.
In science, we've been finishing up our unit on Earth, Sun, and Moon.  We viewed a power point of the moon, and we imagined taking off, walking on the moon, and returning to Earth.  We used students to model the Earth, Sun, and Moon to understand how rotation and revolving plays into our solar system.  Next week, we will begin working on our Mexico unit.  On Monday, we will "fly" to Mexico and begin our study!  
* Ask your child what rotates and what revolves around what.  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Weekly Update 12/6/13

I hope everyone had a nice few days off and are ready for the last few weeks before the December break.  I hope you all enjoyed your holidays with family and friends.  We had dinner at my parent's house and my husband and Lily went to NY to visit  before Thanksgiving day so we were all surrounded by family!
Important Information:
* Each week, on Friday, I will send you a reminder to check out the "What did we learn this week?" page on my website.  On Thursdays and Fridays, students type what they think is the most important piece they learned this week.  This will allow them some typing practice, sentence and punctuation practice, a chance to review weekly concepts, and an opportunity for you to see what students have written.  Use this as a chance to start a conversation about what your child is learning or what they liked best this week.
* As the days get colder, students continue to go out for lunch recess for some running around and fresh air.  Please send clothes accordingly.
* Starting next week, I will be sending home a project about Heritage Bears.  This is a great chance for all of us to learn about where we all came from and what's important to our families.  More info will come next week.
* We have 2 more full weeks of school before break.
* School is closed Saturday, the 21st through Thursday, January 2nd.  If you will be away before that or after, please let me know.

What's been happening in room 235?
In literacy, we've been focusing on non-fiction features and purposes.  This past week, we've each written a book about the features of a non-fiction book.  We listed the word, added an illustration or photograph, and then the purpose.  Students did a great job showing each feature and creating a neat and informative book to share with you.  They will be going home soon!  In writing, we've been working on those books as well.  We also brainstormed a few more tiny seed topics that we could write for a narrative story.  Students had wonderful ideas!  I look forward to seeing their writing.   Next week, we will be working on writing our pen pals back and our narrative writing.  When writing our narrative stories, we will again be using a checklist to be sure we are including all the pieces of writing that we've discussed so far.  This helps students become more responsible for their own writing and self assessments.
In math, we've spent a good deal of time on problem solving.  We're really focusing on what the question is asking us, what information do we already know, and what words or numbers are most important.   Also, during our challenge work, I've been encouraging students to really try and think about the problem before running up to me.  They can do it!  It may be difficult at first and in the end they may need some help but I'm really working with them to build independence and to trust themselves that they can get started and try different solutions on their own.  They need to believe in themselves they can get started…they need to believe they can do it…and they need to believe and trust that's it's ok to make mistakes!
In science, we have discussed the sun, the moon, day and night, and have focused on our line of learning.  We write in our journals what we think or what we've learned during the lesson and then we draw a line under.  After talking with a partner, we write any new information we learned under the line.  Each child has something to offer and this is a great way for students to share what they know with a peer.

***We've spent lots of time lately talking about making mistakes.  Many of us get stuck when we have made a mistake or with something difficult.  We've been having great discussions regarding what happens when we make a mistake, is it a glitch or a huge deal, and how can we move past it?  We've learned when we make mistakes, our brain grows and stretches.  I've also been having them think about what happens if they never try?  They'll never know they can do it!