Friday, May 23, 2014

Weekly Update 5/23/14

I can't believe there's only 20 days left of school!  Oh my!  As we think about the last few days of school, there are many things going on…we'll have Color Day, presentations for parents, last day of school, our Museum of Science field trip, and so much more!
Things to remember:
* Going home today is information about special homework project coming up starting next week.  Please be sure to read it carefully and allow your child to guide the process and complete the work on their own as much as they can.  They love showing their work that they've accomplished!  Thank you! Look for the info in your child's folder!
* There is no school on Monday, May 26th.
* Don't forget about the silent auction!  It's all set up by the front door.  I'm offering pancake breakfast with a friend one morning.  Go bid and raise money for the school!
* Monday, June 2, is our field trip to the Museum of Science.  More info will go home next week but just wanted to remind you that students will need a packed bag lunch as there's no fridge and difficult to carry lunch boxes around.  Also, send food that's easy to open and easy to eat as we have a quick lunch so we can get back to the museum exhibits.
* Wednesday, June 11th, at 2:00 is our end of year parent presentations for you!
* Tuesday, June 17th, is Color Day (more info going home soon about that).
* Please send in 2 brown paper bags to carry artwork and classwork home.  Your child has a notice about it.
* Friday, June 20, is our last day of school.  Please keep me updated if your child will not be here as I have things that need to go home. Thanks!
* If you have any tissues, please send them in!  Even though cold season seems to be over, allergy season has begun!

A few thoughts about the end of year…

What's happening in room 235?
In literacy, we continue to focus on poetry.  We've read many poems with rhythm, poems with a beat, onomatopoeia, poems with sound, poems with connections to us, poems with verbs and nouns, and describing words.  We wrote the poem below for you using nouns and adjectives.  We hope you enjoy it!  In writing workshop, we've been working on writing poems, making poetry observations, describing the difference between scientific and poetic observations, and we turned our science observations from Kayla's Garden, into a poem to share with our friends. Ask you child to share some words they chose to use for their observation poem.

In math, we worked on subtracting larger amounts of money and started talking about arrays and chickens and eggs.  We also started unit 12, which is a review of all we've learned this year! Ask you child what chickens and eggs have to do with math!
In science, we've been observing the chrysalis that we have for the Painted Ladies butterflies, the caterpillars we have for the Cabbage White butterflies, and talking about whether a chrysalis is alive or not and what a habitat is.  Next week, hopefully we'll have some butterflies to observe!

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!  Enjoy the weather and time with your families!  When we return we'll only have 19 days left!  Where did the time go???

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