Friday, November 14, 2014

Week ending 11/14/14

We only had 4 days this week  but we've been busy!

Important information:
  • The Heritage Bears look awesome!  We've started sharing a few a day and the students are so interested in the writing and why the bears are dressed as they are!  I do have to apologize though!  I continued to think the bears were due today, being a Friday.  They are NOT!  The paperwork we sent home says they are due Monday, November 17th.  I let the students know and sorry for the confusion!  
  • Thank you so much to those of you that donated books to the classroom!  It was very kind of you and I look forward to reading them to the students over the next few weeks and then placing them in the book boxes for them to read as they wish.
  • Wednesday, the 26th is a half day with dismissal at 12:00.  There is no school on the 27th or 28th.
  • Math morning has been scheduled for Friday, December 5th.
  • The home reading response has started.  It is expected that students will complete this one time a week on a computer or iPad.  You can get to it by going to our classroom website, reading response, then reading response form.  You must hit submit for it to go through.  Please decide which night is best for your family to complete it.  The link is below:

3, 2, 1 things you should know…
3 skills we worked on this week were: identifying multi syllable words,  finding nonfiction text features in multiple books and explaining their purpose in that book, and deciding if objects roll or slide.

2 new math addition strategies such as adding tens and splitting numbers (just began today and will continue this year as well as learning about landmark numbers).

1 website you need to visit is Padlet!  Each week we will have a "What did I learn this week?" page.  Students will brainstorm a list of skills or activities we worked on this week and then they will type what they think is most important to share. For this week, I will type for them so they can see how the page works but in the coming weeks, they will do the typing and deciding which information to share.
You can visit Padlet either through my own website or here below:

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