Friday, November 15, 2019

Week Ending 11/14/19

Even though we had a 4 day week, it was busy!

* Ask your child about our fun science activity this morning!  We learned all about probability!  Pull out a coin and ask them to tell you a 50/50 chance! *

Important information:
  • Wednesday, November 27th, is a 12:00 dismissal (NOT 12:30 as a usual early dismissal).  There are no ASCA classes or extended day.
  • Please send your child dressed for the weather.  We do go out as much as possible even if it's chilly so sending in jackets, hats, gloves, etc is necessary.  Also, when the snow comes, they must have boots and snow pants to play in it.  Please talk to your child about wearing whatever it is they come to school with each time we go out.
  • When it is your turn to bring home the Kaleidoscope bag, please remember to bring it back the next Wednesday so it'll be ready for the next child to take it home on Friday.  
3 math activities we've worked on were choosing a number and showing all the different arrays that can be made using that numbers (many of us had to really put on our thinking caps to think of all the ways), identifying a half fraction and discussing if halves are equal and how do we know.  Check out some pictures at the bottom about different arrays.  

2 writing workshop activities we've been working on were using a checklist to double check our story while editing and revising and many of us have begun publishing.  I can't wait to see their final project!

1 literacy activity we did last Friday was Art In Literacy.  Once a month, we'll be doing some type of art response to what we're working on during reading workshop.  We've been focusing on non-fiction and have read many books.  Students chose one book and an important fact from that book they wanted to share.  They had to write the fact and create an illustration with labels to share that fact.  This was a good way to show their understanding of the text they read and non-fiction features. 
Check them out below!

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